Chat room #hellomouse-git on IRC network freenode was registered at 2018-07-20 and assigned to category Society Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on a large attendance.
Chat Room - 2 users -
110 minutes ago -
current topic: A spectwe is haunting euwope the spectwe of communism...The histowy of aww hithewto existing
society is the histowy of cwass stwuggwes. Fweeman and swave, patwician and pwebeian, wowd and sewf, guiwd-mastew and jouwneyman, in a wowd, oppwessow and oppwessed, stood in constant opposition to one anothew, cawwied on an unintewwupted, now hidden, now open fight, a fight that each time ended in a wevowutionawy weconstitution of
network: Snoonet
Chat Room - 34 users -
113 minutes ago -
current topic: Pytania, skargi, wnioski, zażalenia - kompilacja źródeł, sterowników ujarzmienia. Pytaj, a będzie Ci dane. Od Rasbiana do Deepin, a MX i tak wymiata. "While going through divorce proceedings, the fact I ran Linux was brought up in an attempt to portray me as antisocial, paranoid and that I had problems adjusting to
category: Linux -
Chat Room - 2 users -
110 minutes ago -
current topic: Welcome to the Veritas
Society on-topic discussion channel. http://v | Also see our practice room in #VPractice | Feel free to start a discussion about one of the website topics. | Dynamic Psi Mentors: http://forums.v |
network: SorceryNet
Chat Room - 2 users -
110 minutes ago -
current topic: The Veritas
Society - Discussing dynamic psi and the metaphysical. https://v | Hang out longer than 5 minutes for a response! | Practice channel: #vpractice | !help | Website construction: roughly 60% - ask XIII, TakeV, and Zephyr for details
category: Society -
network: SorceryNet