---=== In Memory of Immortal-Anime ===---
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'HH' 'HH' ll ll (__) ggg==GG/
HH HH ll ll ____ ._.--._ gg GG
HH HH .e"""e_ ll ll =""""V II nn n gg GG
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HH HH \e ll ll sss II nn nn gg GG
HH HH ". n ll ll n s) II nn nn gg GG
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In the name of God, impure souls of the living dead /G'_ _gG)
shall be banished into eternal damnation. Amen. '-=gggggg/
__ __ _ _
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/_/\_\\___||_| \__||_| \___/ |_| |_|
\ We got 6667 problems, but IRC ain't one.
Connected to server Guyver-II.Xertion.org located in Dallas, Texas, US
Server Owner: lonewolf
Standard IRC Ports: 6660-6669,7000
Secure (TLS) Ports: 6697,9998-9999
IPv6-enabled on irc6.xertion.org
Welcome to Xertion! This document outlines basic network information including network policies.
By establishing a connection to any server on this network you are automatically signifying that
you understand and acknowledge the below information and are thereby agreeing to abide by all
outlined policies.
--- Network Disclaimer ---
Xertion and its owners/administrators and affiliates are not responsible for any of the content
or actions from the users on this network. We accept no liability for any hurt, injury, loss or
damage that you may incur while using, attempting to use, or your inability to use this service.
Xertion is a privately owned and operated network, as such Xertion staff reserves the right to
deny access to this server to any, for any reason, with/without prior warning. Attempting to access
this system once specifically denied access, either through the same or different host or ISP, is
illegal - Xertion may, at its own discretion, notify any violator's ISP as well as local law
enforcement in these cases. Note that IRC is an unmoderated environment - you connect here at your
own risk. In addition, while the server itself is unmoderated, security logs are maintained.
Xertion can consult these logs in the event of server and/or network malconduct.
--- Security Notice ---
Pursuant to United States Code (USC) Title 18 Part 1 Section 2701 Subsection (c), Xertion may do a
passive scan on your system to ensure it does not provide a security risk to our network. Any system
found to pose a security risk to this network will have their connection automatically denied until
the problem is remedied. If you require more information regarding this scan, please contact network
support for assistance.
Attacks/Virii (viruses) that deny service or otherwise cause damage to this network or users in any
way are illegal per USC Title 18 Part 1 Section 1030 as well as the Canadian Criminal Code s. 342.2.
For further information on laws concerning DoS attacks and other computer crimes in other countries,
please contact local law enforcement. Xertion will cooperate fully with any ISP, proven law enforcement
entity, or court order to aid in the apprehension of persons who violate any of these laws.
Channel founders are responsible for policing their own channels by the correct laws and guidelines.
Xertion accepts no responsibility for the actions of channel members or their founders.
To see network rules, please type /rules NOW. Ignorance of a rule is not an excuse for violating one.
That means "I didn't know" is not a valid reason. It is your responsibility, and your responsibility
alone, to keep yourself up to date with network policies and abide by them at ALL times. Failure to do
so may result in disciplinary action taken against you, up to and including temporary or permanent
revocation of server/network access, at the discretion of Xertion staff.
--- TOR NOTICE ---
While we strongly support the idea of privacy and anonymity online, we have previously seen large amounts
of abuse from malicious actors using Tor. Therefore we were forced to disallow its use anywhere on Xertion.
Tor users are automatically banned upon detection. If you really need to be anonymous, please use a trusted
VPN service.
NOTICE REGARDING NICKSERV REGISTRATION: We have recently seen an uptick in the usage of so-called
"disposable email addresses" (DEAs) with users registering with NickServ. Such email addresses are NOT
considered to be secure in accordance with Xertion security policies. As such, they are expressely FORBIDDEN
from use for any NickServ-related purpose. REMEMBER, we not only use your email address to confirm your NickServ
account, but we ALSO use this to reset your password as well. Accounts found to be using these types of addresses
WILL be dropped without warning, and we will NOT assist you with account recovery if yours uses a DEA. Details
can be found here: https://wiki.xertion.org/w/NickServ:Register
--- Support Information ---
If you require any assistance with our network or services: /join #help
Alternatively, you may also contact our admins at admin[at]xertion.org
Our website is https://www.xertion.org/