Xertion Channels

IRC network Xertion was registered on netsplit.de in February 2011. Since that time our data collector regularly connects IRC network Xertion to determine its key performance indicators, such as its number of users and its number of chat rooms (IRC channels). On this occasion a list of visible (not private) chat rooms is requested too.

During last connections to Xertion its servers reported an average of 176 users and 99 chat rooms. Use the following menu to get more information about IRC network Xertion!

Search for chat rooms returned a total of 50 matching results.  Displaying 11-20...

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#telenovelasjavi Xertion

Chat Room - 4 users - 126 minutes ago - current topic: [14ºANIVERSARIO]«»[http://www.telenovelasjavi.com]«»[Ver contenido de los servers en http://www.telenovelasjavi.com/viewtopic.php?f=336&t=6814 Instrucciones para descargar en http://www.telenovelasjavi.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=4 Saluda al entrar y pregunta si puedes llamar los servers.]
category: AVI - network: Xertion

#ayuda Xertion

Chat Room - 4 users - 126 minutes ago - current topic: [Canal de ayuda del IRC en español] Xertion Network/Services Ayuda solamente | Por favor haga su pregunta y nos pondremos en contacto con usted lo antes posible | Si no respondemos rápidamente, envíenos un correo electrónico a admin@xertion.org
network: Xertion

#joto-scans Xertion

Chat Room - 4 users - 126 minutes ago - No topic
network: Xertion

#musicanime Xertion

Chat Room - 4 users - 126 minutes ago - current topic: = MusicAnime [http://fkmusicanime.blogspot.com] Canciones Subidas: 1428 = Novedades: 03/09/2017 - [Index] Kikou Busou G-Breaker | 13/08/2017 - [Index] Boku no Hero Academia | 30/07/2017 - [Index] CardFight!! Vanguard | 29/07/2017 - [Index] GetBackers DakkanYa =
category: Music Anime - network: Xertion

#darkenergyradio Xertion

Chat Room - 4 users - 126 minutes ago - current topic: '\\\\\\\\-\\\\\\- Bienvenido a Dark Energy Radio - Expandiendo Tu Universo, esperemos disfrutes de la radio y sus diferentes Locutores. -//////-////////
category: Radio - network: Xertion

#uno Xertion

Chat Room - 4 users - 126 minutes ago - current topic: To start uno type !uno then jo. For a list of commands type !unocmds
category: Uno - network: Xertion

#joto-scanlations Xertion

Chat Room - 4 users - 126 minutes ago - current topic: Welcome to JoTo Scans! | Blogger - w.i.p | Wordpress - w.i.p, new theme incoming | XDCC - https://tsukuyomi-superiority.com/list/ or the bot links that appear every 2 hours | Anime Upcoming Encodes: Assault Lily (working)
network: Xertion

#novela-anime Xertion

Chat Room - 4 users - 126 minutes ago - current topic: [20ºANIVERSARIO]«»[http://www.telenovelasjavi.com]«»[LOS SERVER YA NO VAN A VOLVER. TELENOVELAS JAVI SE CIERRA DESPUES DE 20 AÑOS ACTIVO. GRACIAS POR VUESTRA CONFIANZA.]
category: Anime - network: Xertion

#testbot Xertion

Chat Room - 4 users - 126 minutes ago - current topic: %% %% %% %% Sometimes I break stuff.... don't act like you dont know what I mean... %% %% %% %%
network: Xertion

#jotoscans-v2 Xertion

Chat Room - 3 users - 126 minutes ago - current topic: Welcome to JoTo Scans! | Blogger - w.i.p | Wordpress - w.i.p, new theme incoming | XDCC - https://tsukuyomi-superiority.com/list/ or the bot links that appear every 2 hours | Anime Upcoming Encodes: Assault Lily (working), Titan Final Season (2024),
network: Xertion
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