Chat Rooms

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Search for emule latvia chat rooms returned a total of 65 matching results.  Displaying 31-40...

#eMule-Greek MindForge

Chat Room - 3 users - 32 minutes ago - current topic: Official Elliniko Kanali texnikhs voh8eias gia to eMule MONO.Den dinetai voh8eia se palies ekdoseis & se mods. H trexoysa ekdosh einai h 0.50a. Katevaste thn apo to: Plhktrologhste:!update
category: eMule Greece - network: MindForge

#eMule-Dutch MindForge

Chat Room - 7 users - 32 minutes ago - current topic: ..........:: Nederlands / Vlaams eMule chat-kanaal - alle technische eMule support die je nodig hebt, en vooral: gezelligheid ::..........
category: eMule Netherlands - network: MindForge

#emule-morph MindForge

Chat Room - 6 users - 32 minutes ago - current topic: ....::: eMule MorphXT channel | [News:] Is there anyone on the air? MorphXT v12.7 released | [Homepage:] :::...
category: eMule - network: MindForge

#eMule-Hungarian MindForge

Chat Room - 3 users - 32 minutes ago - current topic: eMule-Support-Channel Language: Only Hungarian and English! Emule alap beallitasa ird igy:!alap A szoba szabalyai:!rules Legújabb Verzió: eMule0.50a Magyar Filmek:!filmek Kiszolgalo lista ird !kiszolgalolista
category: eMule Hungary - network: MindForge

#eMule-Romanian MindForge

Chat Room - 4 users - 32 minutes ago - current topic: Canal oficial de ajutor-eMule . Pentru ajutor asistat de boti tasteaza !triggers . Pentru actualizare servere scrie !serverlist Pentru chat scrie /join #emule-romanian-offtopic
category: eMule Romania - network: MindForge

#eMule-Ukrainian MindForge

Chat Room - 3 users - 32 minutes ago - current topic: | Laskavo prosymo do oficial'nogo kanalu dopomogy po eMule | Ostannja versija: eMule 0.50a @ | Jakscho u vas nick (imja) typu eMuleIRCxxxx-xxxxxx abo MindUserxxxx-xxxxx bud'laska napyshit !nick , dlja pravyl kanalu napyshit' !rules
category: eMule Ukraine - network: MindForge

#eMule-Slovenian MindForge

Chat Room - 3 users - 32 minutes ago - current topic: >> eMule tehnièna pomoè v SLOVENSKEM jeziku<< |Zadnja uradna razlièica je eMule v0.50a| INFO: !pravila in !sprozilci | Veè informacij
category: eMule Slovenia - network: MindForge

#eMule-Portuguese-Offtopic MindForge

Chat Room - 7 users - 32 minutes ago - current topic:  "!! '-<<--<@ emule-portuguese-offtopic Desejamos uma excelente estada a todos, queremos o melhor clima entre nos: D Nao é permitido fazer Spam e nem insultar os users. .. O Team agradece sua presença @>-->>-' !i"
category: eMule Portugal - network: MindForge

#eMule-Japanese MindForge

Chat Room - 3 users - 32 minutes ago - current topic: Welcome to #eMule-Japanese - eMule Tech-Support channel | Speak Japanese and English only | Latest eMule version: 0.50a | Get it from | Join #emule-english to get eMule help support (ENGLISH ONLY) | Japanese users are still needed to form a help team.
category: eMule Japan - network: MindForge
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