Search for coffee wii chat rooms returned a total of 44 matching results. Displaying 31-40...
Chat Room - 72 users -
141 minutes ago -
current topic: Você está no melhor cantinho do IRC, o cantinho do jacksoow. Vá se chegando, só não tenho café para oferecer. - You're on the best IRC channel, jacksoow's channel. Come on over, I just don't have any
coffee to offer.
network: BRASnet
Chat Room - 38 users -
134 minutes ago -
current topic: [+HPnrt 50:2w] Not limited to, but including General Linux chat and beginner linux help! (People may be away/working/sleeping or other things, go grab a
coffee, leave a message, go do something else and you'll catch someone sooner rather than later)
category: Linux Fun -
network: IRC4Fun
Chat Room - 3 users -
134 minutes ago -
current topic: Você está no melhor cantinho do IRC, o cantinho do jacksoow. Vá se chegando, só não tenho café para oferecer. - You're on the best IRC channel, jacksoow's channel. Come on over, I just don't have any
coffee to offer.
network: IRCHighWay