Search for amiga poland chat rooms returned a total of 42 matching results. Displaying 31-40...
Chat Room - 1 users -
150 minutes ago -
current topic: .:: Bienvenid@s a #Tarija Ciudad de llanuras insondables, de horizontes lejanos, ciudad
amiga y amante de verde y ocre paisaje, de intensos cielos, de luz radiante. Llena de esperanza te proyectas hacia el futuro, con entusiasmo, hundiendo tus raíces en la tierra.
category: Tarija -
network: DALnet
Chat Room - 37 users -
151 minutes ago -
current topic: C64/C128, ZX Spectrum, Nes, Snes,
Amiga, Atari 2600/5200/800/ST, Arcade, DOS, etc | Place for pixels, programming, and good old games | Enter in the channel to see news!
category: Games -
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 16 users -
151 minutes ago -
current topic: Gentoo Linux on m68k hardware (
Amiga, Atari, Mac...) | Project: | Stages:
category: Gentoo 68000 -
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 8 users -
151 minutes ago -
current topic: Canal de inform�tica cl�sica. Reuniones s�bado 20:00UTC (preferentemente primeros de mes). Sinclair spectrum, msx, comodore64, nes, os/2,
amiga... Web:
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 4 users -
151 minutes ago -
current topic: Der offizielle Support-Kanal | Nur echt mit der Net(t)iquette! http://www.
category: Amiga News Germany -
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 16 users -
146 minutes ago -
current topic: Saphir's unofficial Cloudy Bay, Apple-Cinnamon-Mead, strawberry and
Amiga C64 and Atari homebase - welcome :P
network: DarkWorld
Chat Room - 40 users -
140 minutes ago -
current topic: Saphir's official Cloudy Bay, Apple-Cinnamon-Mead, Strawberry and
Amiga C64 and Atari homebase - welcome :P
network: IRC-Nerds
Chat Room - 3 users -
136 minutes ago -
current topic: [ For all your old tech needs ][ Hardware pictures encouraged. ][
Amiga-1k-prototype/ ]
category: Technology -
network: P2P-NET
Chat Room - 37 users -
134 minutes ago -
current topic: All about retro hardware/software, gaming, programming and emulation! | IBM PC/PCjr/Tandy, Acorn/BBC Micro,
Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Apple II, Atari, Commodore 64/128, Macintosh, MSX, Nintendo, Sega, TRS-80, ZX Spectrum, etc.
network: RetroNode