Search for gentoo 68000 chat rooms returned a total of 255 matching results. Displaying 1-10...
Chat Room - 7 users -
40 minutes ago -
current topic: | https://www.
Gentoo-binary.html | If we dont answer right away, its because we are awesome This Topic is now new :), LOL old one was set by Doc [] [Thu Mar 22 20:49:07 2012] jeez
category: Gentoo -
network: Rizon
Chat Room - 881 users -
40 minutes ago -
current topic: Gentoo Linux Support | https://wiki. | Can't speak? /j #
gentoo-ops | Ask your question: don't ask to ask or if anyone can help | Perl conflicts? https://wiki. | Be nice!
category: Gentoo -
network: Libera.Chat