Chat room #windrop on IRC network IRCLuxe.RU was registered at 2024-04-24 and assigned to category Wind Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on web requests.
Chat Room - 15 users -
43 minutes ago -
current topic: Climate and Energy news every 1.5 hours | Blue feeds: climate (S:C), global warming (S:GW), climate change (T:CC) | Green feeds: carbon engineering (T:CE), carbon trading (T:CT), geothermal power (T:GP) nuclear fusion (T:NF), renewable energy (T:RE), sea level rise (T:SL), solar power (T:SP),
wind power (T:WP) | More: #covid-news #crypto-news #ml-news | Logs:
category: Command Line News -
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 2 users -
25 minutes ago -
current topic: [Aeston: [Conditions: Heavy Cloud][Temperature: 59.1F][
Wind Speed: 5.5mph Direction: WSW] || Three boards are attached to the main wall in the common room: A +goals board, A +jobs board, and a +news board. || [ OoC: #Apex_OOC ; Dice: #APX_Dice ]
network: SorceryNet