#juegouno IRC-Hispano - Uno Chat

This is a small report about chat room #juegouno, a so called IRC channel on network IRC-Hispano. This report usually includes user statistics and chat topics of the last days and weeks, if the IRC channel was already registered and its administrators didn't set its channel modes to private or secret.

 Related queries:  card games (2)   uno (180)   magic the gathering (1)   hearthstone (5)  

Chat room #juegouno on IRC network IRC-Hispano was registered at 2025-01-09 and assigned to category Uno Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on web requests.

#juegouno IRC-Hispano - Graph about the amount of users during the last weeks

to, from topic
2024-03-03  Canal Exclusivo para #JUEGOUNO - Cartas de COLORES | Para ingresar a jugar con el BOT tipee !uno y para leer los COMANDOS del BOT, escriba !unocmds | RADIO: https://chatircradio.wixsite.com/ondamix

More Uno Chat Rooms

#uno MyCooldude

Chat Room - 4 users - 64 minutes ago - current topic: [+CHPTnt 10:30s] Welcome to the MyCooldude UNO! Game room, to start a game, type " !uno ", type " Jo " to join a game, type " !remove " to remove yourself from the game, type " !stop " to stop the game, and finally type " !unocmds " for list of more commands. The bot's nick is " Uno " (NOTE: bug cooldude if the bot looks like it is not online)
category: Uno - network: MyCooldude

#uno Atrum

Chat Room - 7 users - 76 minutes ago - current topic: To start, type !uno, then jo to join. ca to shuffle cards in order, pl to play, pa to pass. Example: pl b8 (play blue eight). pl wd4 (play wd4) co to choose colour. pl wd2 (play wd2) | website for channel http://thebar.epizy.com/index.php/uno
category: Uno - network: Atrum

#uno ICQ-Chat

Chat Room - 4 users - 69 minutes ago - current topic:  to start MrUno type !uno and to stop the bot type !stop for options type !unocmds Welcome to ICQ-Chat. | For network assistance: /join #help | For more information try typing /motd for pic sharing https://postimages.org/ or https://imgbb.com/
category: Uno - network: ICQ-Chat

#nintendo-uno ChatSpike

Chat Room - 2 users - 74 minutes ago - current topic: http://wiki.nin10doh.com/wiki/Nintendo-Uno | http://nin10doh.com/?page=chat_unostats The person with the most Uno Points Won gets the "Uno Champion" rank! | [00:43:41] <TEC> A new game of Uno is starting in #nintendo-uno! | [04:58:20] <TEC> Hero wins!
category: Nintendo Uno - network: ChatSpike

#uno IRC4Fun

Chat Room - 41 users - 68 minutes ago - current topic: [+HPnrt 30:1w] to start uno, !uno - after the game has started, you can play against the bot or other people, type: jo - then for playing... to play your blue 5 card, type: p b 5, to pass type: pa ...to draw a card, type dr....
category: Uno - network: IRC4Fun

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