Chat room #LOVE on IRC network DarkWorld was registered at 2022-12-02 and assigned to category Love Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on a large attendance.
Chat Room - 3 users -
current topic: Www.Trsohbet.Com #
Love@ yardým kanalýna hoþgeldiniz. Kanalýmýzda #
Love kanalý ile ilgili þikayet/öneri/ban/yetki konularý hakkýnda yardým verilmekte olup, yardým görevlilerinin size voice (+v) vermesini bekleyiniz. Kanalda gereksiz bekleme yasaktýr.
category: Love -
network: TRSohbet
Chat Room - 10 users -
58 minutes ago -
current topic: [**] Welcome To #
LOVE ( "making
love" ) CHANNEL On SkyChatz -
LoveServ Command!: !Admirer / !Apology / !Candy / !Chocolate / !Hug / !Kiss / !
Lovenote / !Rose / !Thankyou / !Tonsil - Register Nick: /ns register <password> <email> - [**]
category: Love -
network: SkyChatz
Chat Room - 3 users -
74 minutes ago -
current topic: With every heartbeat, A silent
love story unfolds, One that words can never fully tell. Eternity would still fall short of capturing what you meant to me... Welcome to #
category: Love -
network: DALnet