#LOVE DarkWorld - Love Chat

This is a small report about chat room #LOVE, a so called IRC channel on network DarkWorld. This report usually includes user statistics and chat topics of the last days and weeks, if the IRC channel was already registered and its administrators didn't set its channel modes to private or secret.

 Related queries:  amore (9)   relationships (6)   couples (1)   friendship (20)  

Chat room #LOVE on IRC network DarkWorld was registered at 2022-12-02 and assigned to category Love Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on a large attendance.

#LOVE DarkWorld - Graph about the amount of users during the last weeks

to, from topic
Love Is That Condition in Which The Happiness of Another Person is Essential to Your Own !
Love Is That Condition in Which The Happiness of Another Person is Essential to Your Own !

More Love Chat Rooms

#love@ TRSohbet

Chat Room - 3 users - current topic:  Www.Trsohbet.Com #Love@ yardým kanalýna hoþgeldiniz. Kanalýmýzda #Love kanalý ile ilgili þikayet/öneri/ban/yetki konularý hakkýnda yardým verilmekte olup, yardým görevlilerinin size voice (+v) vermesini bekleyiniz. Kanalda gereksiz bekleme yasaktýr.
category: Love - network: TRSohbet

#love SkyChatz

Chat Room - 10 users - 58 minutes ago - current topic: [**] Welcome To #LOVE ( "making love" ) CHANNEL On SkyChatz - LoveServ Command!: !Admirer / !Apology / !Candy / !Chocolate / !Hug / !Kiss / !Lovenote / !Rose / !Thankyou / !Tonsil - Register Nick: /ns register <password> <email> - [**]
category: Love - network: SkyChatz

#Love DALnet

Chat Room - 3 users - 74 minutes ago - current topic: With every heartbeat, A silent love story unfolds, One that words can never fully tell. Eternity would still fall short of capturing what you meant to me... Welcome to #Love
category: Love - network: DALnet

#love TRSohbet

Chat Room - 96 users - current topic: TRSohbet.Com : #Love kanalýmýzýn yeni sahibi Seyir olarak belirlenmiþtir.
category: Love - network: TRSohbet

#love-storm Net-Tchat

Chat Room - 10 users - 62 minutes ago - current topic: ((())) Bienvenu(es) sur votre salon LoVe-StoRm Votre musique est Là et pas Ailleurs !! ((()))
category: Love Storm - network: Net-Tchat

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