Chat room #whiskey on IRC network DALnet was registered at 2024-09-08 and assigned to category Whiskey Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on web requests.
Chat Room - 16 users -
53 minutes ago -
current topic: Wizards of the Modern Age - RiP: ThorBits UBULindy Layer13 - !bar: !bang !beer !coke !coffee !cola !cunt !head !joint !mix !pipe !vodka !
whiskey !wine - if your looking for a new tracker to join, join PSS @
network: P2P-NET
Chat Room - 64 users -
47 minutes ago -
current topic: Welcome to Kametsu! Home of guns, goats, steak,
whiskey, and freedom! Use !rules for channel rules | | [NEWS] Check out #mako-reactor for political and serious talks & news. |
category: Tsu -
network: Xertion