#uno Chating.ID - Uno Chat

This is a small report about chat room #uno, a so called IRC channel on network Chating.ID. This report usually includes user statistics and chat topics of the last days and weeks, if the IRC channel was already registered and its administrators didn't set its channel modes to private or secret. You will also find an online chat button below that forwards you to irc2go.com.

 Related queries:  uno (207)   card games (3)   hearts (14)   blackjack (21)  

Chat room #uno on IRC network Chating.ID was registered at 2024-03-23 and assigned to category Uno Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on a large attendance.

#uno Chating.ID - Graph about the amount of users during the last weeks

Online Chat

to, from topic
hadiah UNO June bulanan 70k / 50k / 30k
hadiah UNO May bulanan 70k / 50k / 30k
hadiah UNO April bulanan 70k / 50k / 30k - mulai 13 April jam 9.30 WIB
Event UNO Bulanan akan di mulai tgl 13 Apr
2024-04-09  Selamat Bagi pemenang 1 - 10 mohon pm nick isfan no HP / no Rek untuk hadiahnya
- UNO RAMADHAN - 11 Mar (jam 9 pagi) - 9 Apr (jam 9 pagi) Berhadiah 150K / 100K / 50K / 30K / 15K / 10K

More Uno Chat Rooms

#uno MyCooldude

Chat Room - 4 users - 85 minutes ago - current topic: [+CHPTnt 10:30s] Welcome to the MyCooldude UNO! Game room, to start a game, type " !uno ", type " Jo " to join a game, type " !remove " to remove yourself from the game, type " !stop " to stop the game, and finally type " !unocmds " for list of more commands. The bot's nick is " Uno " (NOTE: bug cooldude if the bot looks like it is not online)
category: Uno - network: MyCooldude  -  irc2go: #uno

#uno Atrum

Chat Room - 5 users - 101 minutes ago - current topic: To start, type !uno, then jo to join. ca to shuffle cards in order, pl to play, pa to pass. Example: pl b8 (play blue eight). pl wd4 (play wd4) co to choose colour. pl wd2 (play wd2) | website for channel http://thebar.epizy.com/index.php/uno
category: Uno - network: Atrum  -  irc2go: #uno

#nintendo-uno ChatSpike

Chat Room - 2 users - 98 minutes ago - current topic: http://wiki.nin10doh.com/wiki/Nintendo-Uno | http://nin10doh.com/?page=chat_unostats The person with the most Uno Points Won gets the "Uno Champion" rank! | [00:43:41] <TEC> A new game of Uno is starting in #nintendo-uno! | [04:58:20] <TEC> Hero wins!
category: Nintendo Uno - network: ChatSpike  -  irc2go: #nintendo-uno

#uno DALnet

Chat Room - 27 users - 100 minutes ago - current topic: **Welcome to UNO!. Please KEEP IT English** | No:Repeating,Flooding,Advertising,Inviting. | Need HELP? Ask an op OR type !unocmds in CHANNEL. (YOU idle for 2 minutes) You'll be removed by OPS. (We're capable to pick the needed Ops)
category: Uno - network: DALnet  -  irc2go: #uno


Chat Room - 34 users - 90 minutes ago - current topic: [+HPnrt 50:1d] to start uno, !uno - after the game has started, you can play against the bot or other people, type: jo - then for playing... to play your blue 5 card, type: p b 5, to pass type: pa ...to draw a card, type dr....
category: Uno - network: IRC4Fun  -  irc2go: #UNO

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