#Rock BGirc.com - Rock Chat

This is a small report about chat room #Rock, a so called IRC channel on network BGirc.com. This report usually includes user statistics and chat topics of the last days and weeks, if the IRC channel was already registered and its administrators didn't set its channel modes to private or secret.

 Related queries:  music (270)   rave (1)   musik (7)   karaoke (8)  

Chat room #Rock on IRC network BGirc.com was registered at 2021-08-29 and assigned to category Rock Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on web requests.

#Rock BGirc.com - Graph about the amount of users during the last weeks

to, from topic
Rock – We Rock You! 100% rock & metal

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#Rock Sohbet.net

Chat Room - 27 users - 24 minutes ago - current topic:  Deðerli kullanýcýlarýmýz, global kanallarýmýzdan #Rock kanalý kiralýktýr. Sohbet.NET'de global kanal founderi olmanýn farklýlýðý ve avantajlarý ile #Rock kanalýný kiralamak isteyen kullanýcýlarýmýz #Sales kanalýndaki satýþ sorumlusu arkadaþlarýmýzla görüþebilirler.
category: Rock - network: Sohbet.net

#rock-n-sound Net-Tchat

Chat Room - 5 users - 28 minutes ago - current topic: ||||||||| ⚡☆♫💖♫☆⚡ Bienvenue sur le salon de RocK-N-SounD RadiO ! Du rock, du partage, de la détente et surtout du wattage ! ⚡☆♫💖♫☆⚡ |||||||||
category: Rock Music - network: Net-Tchat

#rock-and-roll-atitude Chaat

Chat Room - 4 users - 39 minutes ago - current topic: Bienvenue sur le salon rock-and-roll-atitude Ce salon est dédié aux fans de rock
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Chat Room - 7 users - 43 minutes ago - current topic: cHi-ROCK runs this bitch, Where, in the World is, DonT SantiNORWAY?
category: Rock - network: EFnet

#radio-orange.rock QuakeNet

Chat Room - 3 users - 43 minutes ago - current topic:  Bitte joint unseren neuen Channel > #TM-ProductionRadio.Rock < Thx
category: Radio Orange Rock - network: QuakeNet

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