Chat room #virtualfantasy on IRC network was registered at 2023-03-31 and assigned to category Fantasy Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on a large attendance.
Chat Room - 5 users -
current topic: BeNvEnUtI Su #
fantasy La ChAt PiU' fAnTaSmAgOrIcA dEl PiAnEtA la supermegaiperstragnokka SaraH vi augura buon divertimento!!! .���)���) Visitate il sito http://www. ^_^ *`_'`~;.`,'*<+'<&Valentine> ammetto: HO LA VOCE DA TOPO
category: Fantasy -
Chat Room - 5 users -
68 minutes ago -
current topic: BeNvEnUtI Su #
fantasy La ChAt PiU' fAnTaSmAgOrIcA dEl PiAnEtA la supermegaiperstragnokka SaraH vi augura buon divertimento!!! .���)���) Visitate il sito http://www. ^_^ *`_'`~;.`,'*<+'<&Valentine> ammetto: HO LA VOCE DA TOPO
category: Fantasy -
network: Orixon
Chat Room - 2 users -
64 minutes ago -
current topic: Bronies, Gamers, Audio Enthusiasts, and Roleplayers alike - Welcome to The
Fantasy Zone! The #1 stop for talking about everything movies, music, games, and more. || Now 20 PERCENT COOLER! (Copied from
category: Fantasy -
Chat Room - 2 users -
70 minutes ago -
current topic: A role play room for all things SciFi, be it hard science fiction or science
fantasy. Create a character and have fun escaping to a new life! For
Fantasy style roleplay, check out #
FantasyRP or for the lewd variety (as long as it fits the current story, characters and world) go to #SciFiRPXXX
category: Science Fiction -
network: LewdChat
Chat Room - 2 users -
79 minutes ago -
current topic: RP & ERP allowed. Enjoy your stay. Always remember: Shine bright like a Doitsu!~, and Roses are red, violets are blue, stars are Beautiful, Shine bright like a Doitsu!~: Note to self: Gameserv and
Fantasy R.I.P JoinforGGRefs :'(
network: Canternet