Chat room #40+ on IRC network AustNet was registered at 2017-08-03 and assigned to category People Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on web requests.
Chat Room - 4 users -
45 minutes ago -
current topic: Welcome to #anger, official channel for r/Anger on snoonet | Say hi, hang out, tell us what's on your mind | | | April 25th 2014: Zeebs and Brit hug irl :3 | | sobrieti commands - .list | MRW
people don't wait 5 min for someone to respond |
category: Angel -
network: Snoonet
Chat Room - 145 users -
63 minutes ago -
current topic: #mm-chat for off-topic talk | as for me, -mm code doesn't pass my blood brain barrier | With great memory usage comes great responsibility | Free/alloc optimizations are scary, without reading the code. | do not trust a computer with a mmu | swap is what happens when mm
people try to write a filesystem | oh god this is more subtle than I remembered | after all, nobody understands the M&Ms
network: OFTC
Chat Room - 24 users -
63 minutes ago -
current topic: Wait a day or 2 for a reply here. Both Russia and Ukraine seem to want the war, but why? US and W. Europe pushing homosexuality, immorality, paying
people to have babies, and out of control immigration to self destruction. Good sites: search: Empire NWO federal reserve dollar collapse survival mercury autism SARS-CoV-2 vaccine kills >1:8000.
category: Conspiracy -
network: Rizon
Chat Room - 15 users -
51 minutes ago -
current topic: Welcome to #RegisteredNudes. It’s like nudes but only registered
people can join it. We encourage users who wish to post to use and to watermark images (,w watermark) in order to prevent anyone downloading such content. DO NOT: save photos, make fun of or beg for nudes and attempt to solicit or coerce
people into posting - keep it respectful and consensual please! ♥
network: LewdChat