##anime Libera.Chat - Anime Chat

Dies ist ein kleiner Bericht über den Chatraum ##anime, einem IRC Channel im Netz Libera.Chat. Sofern der IRC Channel bereits etwas länger registriert ist und von seinen Administratoren nicht als privat oder sogar als geheim gekennzeichnet wurde, enthält der Bericht die Besucherzahlen und Chat-Themen der letzten Tage und Wochen. Mit Hilfe des Links zum Online Chat, wirst du zu irc2go.com weitergeleitet.

 Verwandte Suchbegriffe:  comic book (1)   manga (48)   anime (181)   comics (11)  

Der Chatraum ##anime vom IRC-Netz Libera.Chat wurde am 2021-05-20 registriert und der Kategorie Anime Chaträume zugeordnet. Die Registrierung des Chatraums erfolgte aufgrund hoher Besucherzahlen.

##anime Libera.Chat - Diagramm über die Anzahl an Benutzern während der letzten Woche

Online Chat

bis, von Thema
Anime, manga, games, vtubers, and other weebities | Shoes off, please. | https://nylo.re/guidelines (UPDATED) | https://i.imgur.com/YbaXYAs.jpg | Anime of the Week: Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo (chosen by Smeef) | Manga of the Week: Netsuzou TRap (chosen by Urchin[emacs])
Anime, manga, games, vtubers, and other weebities | Shoes off, please. | https://nylo.re/guidelines (UPDATED) | https://i.imgur.com/YbaXYAs.jpg | Anime of the Week: Aria (chosen by saganman) | Manga of the Week: Darwin's Game (chosen by Llamamoe)
Anime, manga, games, vtubers, and other weebities | Shoes off, please. | https://nylo.re/guidelines (UPDATED) | https://i.imgur.com/YbaXYAs.jpg | Anime of the Week: Mr. Villain's Day Off (chosen by Poeticode) | Manga of the Week: Shishunki Bitter Change (chosen by emmeka)
Anime, manga, games, vtubers, and other weebities | Shoes off, please. | https://nylo.re/guidelines (UPDATED) | https://i.imgur.com/YbaXYAs.jpg | Anime of the Week: cyberpunk edgerunners (chosen by mixfix41) | Manga of the Week: Run Away with Me, Girl (chosen by Urchin[emacs])
Anime, manga, games, vtubers, and other weebities | Shoes off, please. | https://nylo.re/guidelines (UPDATED) | https://i.imgur.com/YbaXYAs.jpg | Anime of the Week: Ōgon Batto (chosen by Lando-SpacePimp) | Manga of the Week: Watashitachi wa Moto Joshi desu - We Are Former Girls (chosen by Mattǀhome)
Anime, manga, games, vtubers, and other weebities | Shoes off, please. | https://nylo.re/guidelines (UPDATED) | https://i.imgur.com/YbaXYAs.jpg | Anime of the Week: My neighbour totoro (chosen by iloveaaabbb) | Manga of the Week: Umagome Rakure - Hajirau Kimi ga Mitainda (chosen by ButterNoodle)
Anime, manga, games, vtubers, and other weebities | Shoes off, please. | https://nylo.re/guidelines (UPDATED) | https://i.imgur.com/YbaXYAs.jpg | Anime of the Week: Mushishi (chosen by Fenderbassist) | Manga of the Week: Gundam Otaku Girl (chosen by zoidberg)
Anime, manga, games, vtubers, and other weebities | Shoes off, please. | https://nylo.re/guidelines (UPDATED) | https://i.imgur.com/YbaXYAs.jpg | RIP legendary Akira Toriyama. We will always miss you. | Anime of the Week: Mushishi (chosen by Fenderbassist) | Manga of the Week: Gundam Otaku Girl (chosen by zoidberg)
Anime, manga, games, vtubers, and other weebities | Shoes off, please. | https://nylo.re/guidelines (UPDATED) | https://i.imgur.com/YbaXYAs.jpg | RIP legendary Akira Toriyama. We will always miss you. | Anime of the Week: Yu Yu Hakusho! (chosen by ewong) | Manga of the Week: Akuma no Riddle (chosen by Urchin[emacs])
Anime, manga, games, vtubers, and other weebities | Shoes off, please. | https://nylo.re/guidelines (UPDATED) | https://i.imgur.com/YbaXYAs.jpg | Anime of the Week: Angel's Egg (chosen by DunceCotus) | Manga of the Week: Vinland Saga (chosen by Urchin)

Weitere Anime Chaträume

#anime-takeover Rizon

Chatraum - 7 Benutzer - vor 54 Minuten - aktuelles Topic: ::::(#Anime-Takeover):::: BT: http://anime-takeover.no-ip.info:6969/ DOWN|Patlabor 2 The Movie|You're Under Arrest Movie Remaster Edition|New: Black Jack The Movie|Commands: !rules|!voiceme|!list|!encodes|!bomb|!eyecancer|XDCC bots are A-T|Releases /msg A-T|Releases xdcc send #1 and A|OtakuBot /msg A|OtakuBot !blist
Kategorie: Anime - Netz: Rizon  -  irc2go: #anime-takeover

#anime-destiny Rizon

Chatraum - 22 Benutzer - vor 54 Minuten - aktuelles Topic: www.Anime-Destiny.org :: New Releases: Kingdom S2 Episode 39 (End), Toriko Movie 2 :: BT: http://anime-destiny.edwardk.info :: Releases: KnGB, KnG, Toriko & Movies, Baku I, II 01-13, Kingdom S1, Kingdom S2 :: DL Triggers: !xdcc| News: Toriko Movie 2 Released :: XDCC: Kyubei Recruiting: #Adestiny-Recruit
Kategorie: Anime - Netz: Rizon  -  irc2go: #anime-destiny

#anime.gr Rizon

Chatraum - 5 Benutzer - vor 54 Minuten - aktuelles Topic: .aNiMe//GR || http://www.anime.gr/ || ALL HAIL IP.BOARD! || !rules !xdcc !search !tt !requests || TRADEMARK SONG: http://youtu.be/fAb7_PcmDGc || http://youtu.be/gnwHdpfP-us || http://youtu.be/hpjfhabVlJc || RIP vBulletin 2006-2012 || HATE AWARD GOES TO ANIME.GR ΓΕΙΑ ΣΑΣ
Kategorie: Anime - Netz: Rizon  -  irc2go: #anime.gr

#anime-planet.com Rizon

Chatraum - 10 Benutzer - vor 54 Minuten - aktuelles Topic: Visit the Official Anime-Planet Discord chat at https://discord.gg/XybDbD9. Please read the rules to ensure an enjoyable chat: http://bit.ly/1L1tnfV There is zero tolerance for spoiling, you will be banned. This is a NO PANTS zone!
Kategorie: Anime - Netz: Rizon  -  irc2go: #anime-planet.com

#Anime-Koi Rizon

Chatraum - 23 Benutzer - vor 54 Minuten - aktuelles Topic: KiwiSDR http://felineyogi.ydns.eu:8073 | https://i.postimg.cc/3N19Rz4n/Koi.png !list !find | English-tranlsated anime can also be found at https://animetosho.org AT Mirror https://mirror.animetosho.org/
Kategorie: Anime - Netz: Rizon  -  irc2go: #Anime-Koi

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