Der Chatraum #AyoUNO vom IRC-Netz AyoChat wurde am 2017-07-22 registriert und der Kategorie Uno Chaträume zugeordnet. Die Registrierung des Chatraums erfolgte aufgrund hoher Besucherzahlen.
Chatraum - 4 Benutzer -
vor 64 Minuten -
aktuelles Topic: [+CHPTnt 10:30s] Welcome to the MyCooldude
UNO! Game room, to start a game, type " !
uno ", type " Jo " to join a game, type " !remove " to remove yourself from the game, type " !stop " to stop the game, and finally type " !
unocmds " for list of more commands. The bot's nick is "
Uno " (NOTE: bug cooldude if the bot looks like it is not online)
Kategorie: Uno -
Netz: MyCooldude
Chatraum - 7 Benutzer -
vor 76 Minuten -
aktuelles Topic: To start, type !
uno, then jo to join. ca to shuffle cards in order, pl to play, pa to pass. Example: pl b8 (play blue eight). pl wd4 (play wd4) co to choose colour. pl wd2 (play wd2) | website for channel
Kategorie: Uno -
Netz: Atrum
Chatraum - 2 Benutzer -
vor 73 Minuten -
aktuelles Topic:
Uno |
unostats The person with the most
Uno Points Won gets the "
Uno Champion" rank! | [00:43:41] <TEC> A new game of
Uno is starting in #nintendo-
uno! | [04:58:20] <TEC> Hero wins!
Kategorie: Nintendo Uno -
Netz: ChatSpike
Chatraum - 36 Benutzer -
vor 67 Minuten -
aktuelles Topic: [+HPnrt 30:1w] to start
uno, !
uno - after the game has started, you can play against the bot or other people, type: jo - then for playing... to play your blue 5 card, type: p b 5, to pass type: pa draw a card, type dr....
Kategorie: Uno -
Netz: IRC4Fun
Chatraum - 17 Benutzer -
vor 77 Minuten -
aktuelles Topic: **Welcome to
UNO!. Please KEEP IT English** | No:Repeating,Flooding,Advertising,Inviting. | Need HELP? Ask an op OR type !
unocmds in CHANNEL. (YOU idle for 2 minutes) You'll be removed by OPS. (We're capable to pick the needed Ops)
Kategorie: Uno -
Netz: DALnet