IRC network MyCooldude was registered on in February 2017. Since that time our data collector regularly connects IRC network MyCooldude to determine its key performance indicators, such as its number of users and its number of chat rooms (IRC channels). On this occasion a list of visible (not private) chat rooms is requested too.
During last connections to MyCooldude its servers reported an average of 61 users and 119 chat rooms. Use the following menu to get more information about IRC network MyCooldude!
Chat Room - 2 users -
68 minutes ago -
current topic: [+CFHPTjnt 10:15 10:30s 10:15] Welcome to #spam. You can spam here anything you wanna spam about BUT as long as it is ToS, spamfilter, and /rules friendly. If you are wanting to use CloneX, PLEASE keep it to a low mininum of 4 clients, and I will allow it only once per 6 months, otherwise you might be banned
network: MyCooldude
Chat Room - 2 users -
68 minutes ago -
current topic: FriedCraft | Server operator channel, you can get reports, bans, reviews, and more here! Sense this is called the server "operator" channel then why should I even make it public on the Discord? LMAO?
network: MyCooldude