Search for quassel apple chat rooms returned a total of 78 matching results. Displaying 41-50...
Chat Room - 29 users -
48 minutes ago -
current topic: "Official Rizon Flat Earth Channel | #rizontroublemakers - a place for the scummiest rascals on rizon. successfully invite another trouble maker and the ops should give you ops here. | Music (ONLINE)" | -ChanStat- jkli5_ (~uid630262@
Apple.fanboy) was last seen quitting
network: Rizon
Chat Room - 84 users -
48 minutes ago -
current topic: Asahi Linux: porting Linux to
Apple Silicon macs | Off topic discussion. Please follow the code of conduct: | Privately logged, logs may be made public at any time.
category: Chat -
network: OFTC