Search for Martial Arts chat rooms returned a total of 2 matching results. Displaying 1-2...
Chat Room - 6 users -
96 minutes ago -
current topic: #
MartialArts | do you even kick? | MA's accounted for: ☑ Krav Maga, ☑ Muay Thai, ☑ Kickboxing, ☑ BJJ, ☑ Wing Chun, ☒ Yellow Bamboo, ☒ Armchair-hindsight-jitsu
category: Martial Arts -
network: Rizon
Chat Room - 9 users -
80 minutes ago -
current topic: こんにちは!ð Welcome to the land of anime, sushi and ninja! ð :: Talk about all things japanese: history, culture,
martial arts, technology, media and language. 楽しんで!✌️ :: Kanji of the week: 年金(ねんきん)ð± - annuity/pension
category: Japan -
network: RetroNode