Frankfurt Chat Rooms

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Search for Frankfurt chat rooms returned a total of 7 matching results.  Displaying 1-7...

#Frankfurt Undernet

Chat Room - 17 users - 149 minutes ago - current topic: Frankfurt am Main
category: Frankfurt - network: Undernet  -  irc2go: #Frankfurt

#eintracht-frankfurt QuakeNet

Chat Room - 2 users - 149 minutes ago - current topic: [ #Eintracht-Frankfurt ]-[ ]-[ Tabelle:11. ]-[ Next: ]-[ Last: ]-[ News: #DFBPOKALSIEGER2018 | Europa League Champion 2022 ]
category: Eintracht Frankfurt - network: QuakeNet  -  irc2go: #eintracht-frankfurt

#frankfurt QuakeNet

Chat Room - 2 users - 149 minutes ago - current topic: «« Welcome² #Frankfurt «•» News: wir schreiben das Jahr 2013 «•» Frankfurt was voted the 4th most liveable city in the world by the Global Cities Survey (2011) »»
category: Frankfurt - network: QuakeNet  -  irc2go: #frankfurt

#ffffm hackint

Chat Room - 45 users - 137 minutes ago - current topic: Das ist der Matrix und IRC-Chat-Kanal von Freifunk Frankfurt || Falls Du eine Frage hast, bitte stelle sie direkt, antworten können etwas dauern 😉
category: Frankfurt - network: hackint  -  irc2go: #ffffm

#fsinfffm OFTC

Chat Room - 3 users - 149 minutes ago - current topic: »»-(¯`v´¯)--» »»-(¯`v´¯)--»
category: Frankfurt - network: OFTC  -  irc2go: #fsinfffm

#frankfurt euIRC

Chat Room - 1 users - 140 minutes ago - current topic: CT Zeit Motherfuckers! Wann eigentlich?
category: Frankfurt - network: euIRC  -  irc2go: #frankfurt

#fraosug Libera.Chat

Chat Room - 7 users - 149 minutes ago - current topic: "Frankfurt OpenSolaris User Group"
network: Libera.Chat  -  irc2go: #fraosug

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