eMule Chat Rooms

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Search for eMule chat rooms returned a total of 59 matching results.  Displaying 31-40...

#eMule-Bulgarian MindForge

Chat Room - 3 users - 60 minutes ago - current topic: Dobre doshli v irc kanala za pomosht kum eMule. Molq vi izpolzvaite samo angliiski i bulgarski ezik. Poslednata versiq na eMule e :0.50a | Nadqvam se da polu4ite nujnata pomosht
category: eMule Bulgaria - network: MindForge

#emule-polish MindForge

Chat Room - 6 users - 60 minutes ago - current topic:  POLSKI Oficjalny kanal pomocy eMule [ Lista serwerow wpisz: !serwery ]=[ Komendy pomocy wpisz: !help ]=[ Regulamin kanalu wpisz: !reg ]=[Najnowsza wersja to: eMule v0.50a]
category: eMule Poland - network: MindForge

#eMule-Admins MindForge

Chat Room - 3 users - 60 minutes ago - current topic: ..:: eMule Admins :: Help about eMule Chans :: State your problem or ask your question ! :: Do not idle here please :: eMule help is in the #emule-yourlanguage channels ::..
category: eMule - network: MindForge

#emule-brasil MindForge

Chat Room - 7 users - 60 minutes ago - current topic: Sejam todos bem vindos! Este é um canal para diversao e jogar conversa fora! Sintam-se em casa! Para ajuda com eMule, digite /join #eMule-Portuguese p trivia digita !trivia
category: eMule Brazil - network: MindForge

#eMule-Finnish MindForge

Chat Room - 3 users - 60 minutes ago - current topic: Tervetuloa eMulen apukanavalle. (Finnish or English). Uusin versio v0.50a. Käy eMulen kotisivuilla http://emule-project.net/home/perl/help.cgi?l=37 ([FIN]Mikaah)
category: eMule Finland - network: MindForge

#eMule-Lithuanian MindForge

Chat Room - 8 users - 60 minutes ago - current topic: Oficialus eMule Kanalas & Nauja Versija: eMule .50a -> www.eMule-Project.net & Pagalba: !help Taisykles: !rules & Kad pasikeistum nika, rasyk: /nick NaujasNikas
category: eMule Lithuania - network: MindForge

#emule-romanian-ops MindForge

Chat Room - 2 users - 60 minutes ago - current topic: Channel dedicated to eMule-Romanian helpers.ONLY!Stay out please | http://sourceforge.net/projects/emule/files/eMule/0.50a/eMule0.50a.zip/download < eMule v0.50.a
category: eMule Romania - network: MindForge

#eMule-Danish MindForge

Chat Room - 3 users - 60 minutes ago - current topic: Welcome to the #eMule-Danish! | Latest eMule version: .50a | Official Website: http://www.emule-project.net | Please speak Danish or English only!
category: eMule Denmark - network: MindForge

#eMule-Dutch MindForge

Chat Room - 7 users - 60 minutes ago - current topic: ..........:: Nederlands / Vlaams eMule chat-kanaal - alle technische eMule support die je nodig hebt, en vooral: gezelligheid ::..........
category: eMule Netherlands - network: MindForge
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