Search for bitcoin gentoo chat rooms returned a total of 395 matching results. Displaying 1-10...
Chat Room - 4 users -
116 minutes ago -
current topic: | https://www.
Gentoo-binary.html | If we dont answer right away, its because we are awesome This Topic is now new :), LOL old one was set by Doc [] [Thu Mar 22 20:49:07 2012] jeez
category: Gentoo -
network: Rizon
Chat Room - 6 users -
116 minutes ago -
current topic: To edit the wiki, request edit privileges here (you MUST specify your username EXPLICITLY.) If you edit spam into the wiki you will be banned.. Please be patient with manual approvals, it may take a day or two. | https://en.
category: Bitcoin -
network: freenode
Chat Room - 28 users -
116 minutes ago -
current topic: Development of
Bitcoin; This is for discussion about the
Bitcoin network and software directly using it between developers. | https://en. | This channel is logged. | There is no from address | No altcoin or end-user support | Tell us what you're trying to do, not how you're trying to do it.
category: Bitcoin Development -
network: freenode
Chat Room - 23 users -
116 minutes ago -
current topic: This channel is for discussing theoretical ideas with regard to cryptocurrencies, not about short-term
Bitcoin development | This channel is logged. | For logs and more information, visit https://
category: Bitcoin -
network: freenode