International Chat Rooms

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 Related queries:  regional (1)   asia (21)   world (300)   south america (4)   africa (16)  

Search for International chat rooms returned a total of 64 matching results.  Displaying 1-10...

#international KonnectChatIRC

Chat Room - 852 users - 36 minutes ago - current topic: Welcome to #International on HybridIRC. 🛠️ Create your own chat room: | 🆓 Add free webchat client with audio/video conferencing feature to your website: | 🙏👍😊 Thank you for using HybridIRC!
category: International - network: KonnectChatIRC  -  irc2go: #international

#International HybridIRC

Chat Room - 824 users - current topic: Welcome to #International on HybridIRC. 🛠️ Create your own chat room: | 🆓 Add free webchat client with audio/video conferencing feature to your website: | 🙏👍😊 Thank you for using HybridIRC!
category: International - network: HybridIRC  -  irc2go: #International

#International DALnet

Chat Room - 3 users - 51 minutes ago - current topic:  Welcome to #INTERNATIONAL @ DALnet's world-wide official room | Only use on ENGLISH language to chat here! Please respect <@> operators and users in channel. •• Thank you!.
category: International - network: DALnet  -  irc2go: #International

#international ScoutLink

Chat Room - 11 users - 29 minutes ago - current topic: Welcome to #international on ScoutLink! All languages are welcome in this channel | See our rules at
category: International - network: ScoutLink  -  irc2go: #international


Chat Room - 12 users - 36 minutes ago - current topic: 8 STOIC TIPS For Solving Problems With People.
category: International - network: LibraIRC  -  irc2go: #INTERNATIONAL

#English_Anglais Chaat

Chat Room - 2 users - 48 minutes ago - current topic: Bienvenue dans le Salon English Anglais : Salon pour apprendre la langue anglaise, Salon international . Discuter et s'exprimer en toute liberté, avec du respect. | Pour les règlements du salon | En vous connectant, vous acceptez les CGU | Conditions Générales d'Utilisation | Contrat de Licence Utilisateur Final : CLUF :
category: England - network: Chaat  -  irc2go: #English_Anglais

#anonops AnonOps

Chat Room - 56 users - 50 minutes ago - current topic: Main network channel. Please use English in here. International users please use /list | Ops of interest: #OpAfghanistan #OpMyanmar #OpRedScare #OpUkraine #OpPoliceBrutality #OpChina #OpPalestinians #opSOSCuba #OpKorea #OpIsis #OpHamas #OpRoevWade #freeanons #news | Website Suggestions in #website
network: AnonOps  -  irc2go: #anonops

#ubuntu-irc Libera.Chat

Chat Room - 46 users - 51 minutes ago - current topic: International Ubuntu IRC operators channel | The IRC Team: | This is NOT a support channel, support in #ubuntu etc. | The channel is multilingual, but English is preferred | Regardless of language, please write clearly | This channel is logged
category: Ubuntu - network: Libera.Chat  -  irc2go: #ubuntu-irc


Chat Room - 3 users - current topic: Welcome to ##FlotwigMansion [::] IHOF: International House of Flotcakes [::] Clamper in Chief: bird [::] Assistant to the Clamper in Chief: theFreshestMelon [::] Vice Clamper in Chief: Bino [::] Assistant to the Vice Clamper in Chief: Flashynuff ||
network:  -  irc2go: ##flotwig
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