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- formerly MsgPlus
- tawx IRC Service www.tawx.net www.twitter.com/tawxirc
- trendy.us.tawx.net SSL available on port 6668
- stonewall.us.tawx.net « you are here
- hactar.uk.tawx.net
- Your IRC Operators are TReKiE, segosa, sock and DXtremz
- For assistance with IRC or services, please visit us in #feds
- You are welcome to register your nickname or start your own channel. For more
- information, please type /ns help or /cs help. For a complete list of public
- channels that are currently populated, type /list.
- Channels are operated by their respective channel owners and operators.
- If you have an issue regarding one of the network's channels, please first try
- to deal directly with the owners of said channel before contacting the server
- administration for assistance.
- IRC is an unmoderated medium, and the server administration claims no
- responsibility for the content of the channels on this server nor the behaviour
- of its participants.
- This server, stonewall.us.tawx.net, is brought to you by rps
- Please send him thanks, gifts and WoW pets