- 26/2/2011 14:27 - .cC>ccc, Welcome to LION.AnthroChat.net - .<CCCCCCC>C>, Orlando, FL, USA - _,--- `<CCCCC cC><<<Cc,. - ,-',cCCCCCc,`CCC'> `--;`<> Server Admin: Simba - ,!',<CCC>>'''<<<,CCC ` `> <; .<> Local Opers: Harik - <!! cCCC>, >`,c$$cc,,` $$c`':`C -< - ;!!!- CCCC> ,$$$P" _"?$$$$$$F,,,.",' For more information, - ;',-><CCCC> ,$$$$ cF ?,$$$$$, '-Cx please visit: - ! >< CC>' ,d$$$$$c_-``-"$$$$$$$cc,`<>, http://anthrochat.net/ - ;!;',C',/ d$$$$$$$$$$$$$$,"",,,,"??), C>, - <!! c','', $$$$$$$$$$$$$$F<c, - `CC, , CCC>, Help Channel: - !!!.C',<( C $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$cc,`,c$.CCCCC, #AnthroChat - <!!! <> ,C> C 3?$$$$$$$$$$$F<$$$$$$PF ??'CCCCCCC - ;!!!><C <CC> CC. $$$$$$$$$$$F<$$P",cc$$$bc`CCCCCC SSL port: 6697 - <!!!'<C<CCCC,<C> $$P"", `""'<$$c$$$$$$$$$r)CC:CC - !!!! <CCCCCCC<C>; ?" ;!>;!!! ?$$$$$$$$$$$$F<C>,CC - `!!!>`CCCCCCCCCC,> <!!>`!!!!>`""??$??""" ,C',CCC Don't forget to read - !!!> CCCCCCCCCCCcC,-,`'!!!',;!!',CCCCCCC>',<CCC> the /rules - !'!!>`CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCc,`,'',<<<CCCCC>',cCCCCC ;; - <'!!! <CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC> ,<CCCCCCC> cCCCC<CCCC !! - ` !!!! )CCCCCCCCCCCCCC' <CCCCCCCC cCCCCC>'CC' ' ' - !!!!!,`CCCCCCCCCCCC>,CCCCCCCCCC<CCCCC' .,;;!;;' - `!!!!!> `CCCCCCCCCC'<CCCCCCCCCCC'<C> ,!'' `<!!> - - - ASCII Art by Allen Mullen - - This server is running UnrealIRCd. It's quite different than Bahamut, - so you may want to read through - http://www.vulnscan.org/UnrealIrcd/unreal32docs.html ; - the sections regarding cloaking, user modes, and channel modes - in particular. - - If any questions or problems come up, ask in #AnthroChat or send an - e-mail to admins[at]anthrochat.net. - - Enjoy! -