- 2024-01-15 16:11
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- Copyright © 2008-2024 SkyChatz Network Inc.
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- Copyright © 2008-2023 SkyChatz Network Inc.
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- o You are connected to Irc.SkyChatz.Org o
- o Listening on ports: 6667-6669, 7000 o
- o Listening on SSL ports : 6697, 6090 o
- =------Network policies -------------------------------------------------=
- = NO Excessive Connections (Commonly known as Cloning) =
- = NO War Bots or War Scripts. =
- = NO Mass Advertising =
- = NO Nuking or DoS (Denial of Services) attacks =
- = NO Harrassment of fellow users. =
- = NO Child Pornography =
- = NO Flooding =
- =------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- [Warning:]
- + Do not give out any personal information such as: your name,
- phone number,home address, ect!
- + or updates and information please visit Http://WwW.SkyChatz.Org/
- Please keep in mind that real time chat is an unmoderated
- medium and we are NOT responsible for the content while you're online.
- If you do not understand the rules and policies of this server,
- please /quit at this time.
- [Attention:]
- + Your connection will be scanned on ports:
- 80, 81, 1080, 3128, 8000, 8080
- + The scanning does not do anything to your system, it only
- determines if you are using a proxy, and if its secure. If it's
- insecure you will not be able to connect back to the network
- using the proxy or wingate server you used to first log on.
- You will have to connect with your own internet connection.
- [Channels:]
- #SkyChatz - Official Network Channel
- #Help,#OperHelp - Official General Help Channel
- #kampung,#mamak - Official Chat Channel
- #MircOp - Official Links Channel
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- #Saidina - Official Saidina Channel
- #BlackJack - Official BlackJack Channel
- #BINGO - Official BINGO Channel
- =------Disclaimer --------------------------------------------------------=
- IRC is an unmoderated chat forum and we shall take no legal
- liability or responsibility for the content of any messages
- or files which might pass through this server and the results
- of running any commands you choose or do not choose to run
- as a result of being connected to this server.
- Use of this server is a *privilege* which may be removed at
- any time and for any reason by the friendly server staff.
- =------Newsflash----------------------------------------------------------=
- NOTE: We are not in need of any new recruits at this time. All
- potential candidates are appointed and no O:lines will be
- given to those who ask for one. Thank you for interest.
- use your o:line nick while oper up!!
- If you have any questions and problems with this server, can be
- Email To : Admin[at]SkyChatz.Org
- Enjoy your stay on SkyChatz Network Inc.
- Copyright © 2008-2024 SkyChatz Network Inc.
- =------End of MOTD -------------------------------------------------------=