IRC Servers - by top level domain

IRC servers are the backbone of the Internet Relay Chat and all IRC networks. Among other things they handle the administration of IRC channels and the communication transfer between IRC users. Because the amount of IRC servers of all known IRC networks is too large for a single page, the IRC servers were devided into groups by their top level domains.

Please select the top level domain that you are interested in to go further!

al (1) cz (3) jp (4) ru (7)
at (3) de (23) lt (4) se (17)
be (3) ee (2) mx (5) sh (1)
bg (13) eu (34) my (4) si (1)
biz (3) fi (8) net (765) su (3)
br (9) fr (11) nl (21) to (3)
by (1) hu (3) no (6) ua (1)
ca (5) id (77) nu (1) uk (14)
cc (5) il (2) nz (1) us (4)
ch (7) in (5) org (397)
chat (105) info (11) pl (36)
com (139) it (28) ro (5)

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