IRC network oftc was registered on in June 2002. Since that time our data collector regularly connects IRC network oftc to determine its key performance indicators, such as its number of users and its number of chat rooms (IRC channels). On this occasion a list of visible (not private) chat rooms is requested too.
During last connections to oftc its servers reported an average of 16901 users and 4199 chat rooms. Use the following menu to get more information about IRC network oftc!
Chat Room - 1241 users -
78 minutes ago -
current topic: F-Droid, the free and open source app repository (official channel bridged with on Matrix) | Public logs at | | | Development discussion: #fdroid-dev
category: Droid -
network: OFTC
Chat Room - 498 users -
78 minutes ago -
current topic: | PLEASE READ: | Slow channel, just ask your question and wait for an answer (can take a while) :) | Don't paste logs directly, use e.g. | This channel is logged: | **Tor Users** register nick & get a cloak to unmute:
network: OFTC
Chat Room - 491 users -
78 minutes ago -
current topic: Welcome to #tor-project, a channel for non-technical discussions by the Tor project community --- feel free to watch, or become a Tor person and participate. | Tor usage questions in #tor | Cypherpunks are writing code in #tor-dev | Relay operators are talking in #tor-relays
category: Tor -
network: OFTC
Chat Room - 439 users -
78 minutes ago -
current topic: testing → trixie | you may need to debug sometimes | faq: | ongoing transitions: | multiarch fun: /msg dpkg multiarch failures | NO FLOOD: /msg dpkg paste | | /msg bots NOT people | offtopic → #debian-offtopic | oldstable, stable → #debian | can't talk? /msg NickServ help register, /msg NickServ help identify
category: Debian -
network: OFTC
Chat Room - 376 users -
78 minutes ago -
current topic: Welcome to #tor, which is for asking questions about using Tor | FAQ: | Forum: | Developer discussion on #tor-dev | Relay operator discussion on #tor-relays | It's 'Tor', not 'TOR'
category: Tor -
network: OFTC