IRC-Hispano Channels

IRC network IRC-Hispano was registered on in August 2011. Since that time our data collector regularly connects IRC network IRC-Hispano to determine its key performance indicators, such as its number of users and its number of chat rooms (IRC channels). On this occasion a list of visible (not private) chat rooms is requested too.

During last connections to IRC-Hispano its servers reported an average of 3877 users and 1976 chat rooms. Use the following menu to get more information about IRC network IRC-Hispano!

Search for chat rooms returned a total of 1143 matching results.  Displaying 1-10...

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#chat-hispano IRC-Hispano

Chat Room - 1191 users - current topic: Bienvenid@s a #Chat-Hispano. Canal de Ayuda #opers_help
category: Spain - network: IRC-Hispano

#irchispano IRC-Hispano

Chat Room - 1189 users - current topic: Bienvenidos a #irchispano Canal de ayuda: #opers_Help
category: Spain - network: IRC-Hispano

#chathispano IRC-Hispano

Chat Room - 1189 users - current topic: Bienvenidos a #chathispano Canal de ayuda: #opers_Help
category: Spain - network: IRC-Hispano

#irc-hispano IRC-Hispano

Chat Room - 1187 users - current topic: Bienvenidos a #irc-hispano Canal de ayuda: #opers_Help
category: Spain - network: IRC-Hispano

#sexo IRC-Hispano

Chat Room - 980 users - current topic:  •› Bienvenid@ a #Sexo canal de ChatHispano ¤ Normas: ¤ [+18] ¤ WeBCHaT: ‹•
category: Sexuality - network: IRC-Hispano

#madrid IRC-Hispano

Chat Room - 544 users - current topic:  Bienvenid@ a #madrid | No estan permitidos los anuncios, búsquedas, repeticiones, publicar/comentar el contenido de los privados en la sala, faltas de respeto. |Moderacion:Las cuestiones de moderacion, se tratan por privado. De lo contrario, podra ser expulsado del canal. | Iwalkalone & shula <3
category: Madrid - network: IRC-Hispano

#chueca_madrid IRC-Hispano

Chat Room - 466 users - current topic:  Bienvenid@ al canal #chueca_Madrid Normas: Si estás interesado en ser op de #chueca_madrid envia correo a indicando tu nick
category: Madrid - network: IRC-Hispano
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