Search for world of warcraft music chat rooms returned a total of 3097 matching results. Displaying 1-10...
Chat Room - 13 users -
153 minutes ago -
current topic: RIP Cuckoo, You Will Be Missed! This channel has had a long and storied reputation in the annals
of freenude history but is sadly, a shadow
of its former self. Just a random
music channel, for ages had zero ops and no owners but hundreds
of users, lol. Sometimes it was too crazy, but that's how it goes sometimes. ::
category: Music -
network: freenode
Chat Room - 8 users -
143 minutes ago -
current topic: Welcome to #
music (Interlinked Remix) | All types
of music - share what you love, don't diss it just because you hate the genre |
Music feed in #nya |
category: Music -
Chat Room - 5 users -
258 minutes ago -
current topic: Everything to do with
musicians, singing, theory, history, lyrics, instruments, sound therapy, acoustics,
world music, varied genres, resources, learning, influence, and appreciation.
category: Music -
network: ouchnet