Search for wiktionary germany chat rooms returned a total of 39 matching results. Displaying 31-39...
Chat Room - 23 users -
113 minutes ago -
current topic: The German-speaking community on Rizon | Bring your friends | All kinds of discussion and talk allowed |
Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein and South Tyrol | Guests and students of the German language also welcome | Please connect securely and tick the beautiful little SSL box :3
category: Germany -
network: Rizon
Chat Room - 10 users -
109 minutes ago -
current topic: Welcome to ChatNPlay! - - Discord: - IRC Support & Help: /join #Help - Register for automatic voice - News: We have added a new server that is located in
Germany, this should help any latency with connections.
category: Games -
network: ChatNPlay
Chat Room - 4 users -
100 minutes ago -
current topic: TranceSounders around the world, I am inviting you for TranceSound Session 197 with Cressida from
Germany and Sivro from United States of America on Saturday, the 17th of December @ 11:00 GMT UTC London time on
category: Trance Music -
network: MIXXnet
Chat Room - 2 users -
96 minutes ago -
current topic: Adjudication for 1903 Spring due at 11:59 p.m. PST | Wubadub has replaced Choo to play England | scores: Austria 6, England 4, France 5,
Germany 4, Italy 5, Russia 4, Turkey 4 | link: | rules: | every statement in this channel is a lie
network: Snoonet