Search for wikipedia technology chat rooms returned a total of 311 matching results. Displaying 1-10...
Chat Room - 173 users -
144 minutes ago -
current topic: USA takes first CRAZY game against Canada 3-1 | Rematch set for Thursday. Will McCrosby outwit the Tkachuk brothers? Makar will be back for #/g/
technology | The Hughes Brothers might reunite, with Quinn ( (C) Vancouver ) ready and potentially replacing someone to join his brother Jack
category: Technology -
network: Rizon
Chat Room - 143 users -
144 minutes ago -
current topic: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | Status: | Specific
Wikipedias: #
wikipedia-<lang> | Channel guidelines: | Channel operator: Ask here or in #wikimedia-ops | No public logging | PM spam? You can set /mode <YourNick> +R to avoid getting PMs from unregistered users.
category: Wikipedia -
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 180 users -
144 minutes ago -
current topic: English
Wikipedia | Status: | Channel guidelines: | Need a chanop? Ask in #wikimedia-ops | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request>; for revdel, /join #
wikipedia-en-revdel | No public logging | PM spam? You can enter '/mode <YourNick> +R' to avoid getting PMs from unregistered users | No off-topic politics
category: Wikipedia -
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 30 users -
144 minutes ago -
current topic: This is the channel for requesting a block review on the English
Wikipedia | Appeals are rarely considered if you have access to your talk page.| Type !admin followed by your question |Please state your username or IP address| Discussion logs may be published | UTRS: | If an admin declines your appeal or you are not here to appeal, please part the channel
category: Wikipedia -
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 35 users -
144 minutes ago -
current topic: Canal principal de
Wikipedia en español - 2010235 págs. cont. (19 feb 2025) - Info: - Peticiones a bibliotecarios: urgentes: !biblio · en privado: #
wikipedia-es-biblios - Ayuda: #wikimedia-ayuda - Otros: #
wikipedia-es-tecnica · #wikimedia-social-es · #cvn-wp-es - Bot: -? · uso intensivo: #wikimedia-bots
category: Wikipedia -
network: Libera.Chat