Search for Omaha chat rooms returned a total of 2 matching results. Displaying 1-2...
Chat Room - 3 users -
51 minutes ago -
current topic: ♘♗♖♕ Welcome aux Amatrices et amateurs d'échecs ♜♙♔ Clavardons pour trouver des joueurs d'échecs (via, de Tarot français ♠♥♦♣ð¡ðµð ð , ou de ð¡ð®ðð«ðª Poker Texas Hold'em
Omaha et Bridge
category: Chess -
network: zeolia
Chat Room - 2 users -
72 minutes ago -
current topic:
omaha - modular boardgame GUI || usable Shogi (and Mini-/Tori-/GoroGoro-/Sho-/Wa-), Chess (and Glinsky's hexagonal), Checkers, Can't Stop; preview: Go, Cutthroat ForChess || current focus include: card cames, Skytear, network play (over IRC) || next focus include: Time Control, Chu- (and larger) Shogi, completeness of Go, CECP engine-defined variant
category: Omaha -
network: Libera.Chat