Search for montreal coffee chat rooms returned a total of 52 matching results. Displaying 1-10...
Chat Room - 59 users -
127 minutes ago -
current topic: Coffee chat: home roasting, brewing, equipment, espresso, beaky, etc. || The longer you stay, the better your chance of an answer || The beverage, not the scripting language || has nice guidelines on brewing || get a cup of
coffee and chill out
category: Coffee -
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 2 users -
109 minutes ago -
current topic: Bienvenue sur le canal officiel irc de /r/
montreal | Welcome to the official IRC channel for /r/
montreal || Lisez les règles générales avant de parler | Read the general rules before speaking: || Alternativement, vous pouvez rejoindre notre canal officielle sur Freenode ( ##reddit-
montreal) | Alternatively, you can join our official channel on Freenode (
category: Montreal -
network: Snoonet