Search for hacking germany chat rooms returned a total of 87 matching results. Displaying 41-50...
Chat Room - 24 users -
241 minutes ago -
current topic: The German-speaking community on Rizon | Bring your friends | All kinds of discussion and talk allowed |
Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein and South Tyrol | Guests and students of the German language also welcome | Please connect securely and tick the beautiful little SSL box :3
category: Germany -
network: Rizon
Chat Room - 5 users -
241 minutes ago -
current topic: Welcome to Wii U
Hacking and Homebrew IRC! (Be prepared to wait a couple hours after asking a question here, if you don't recieve an answer post in the Q&A!)
category: Hacking Wii -
network: Rizon
Chat Room - 2 users -
121 minutes ago -
current topic: Common Lisp | Emacs Lisp | Clojure | LFE |
Hacking with Lisp
category: Lisp -
network: 2600net
Chat Room - 10 users -
121 minutes ago -
current topic: 2600 CANADA -
Hacking in the great white north
network: 2600net
Chat Room - 1 users -
121 minutes ago -
current topic: Bienvenidos a 2600 Canal España. No Flood, No Spam, No Publicidad. Esto es un canal dedicado a
Hacking y Seguridad. Por favor, respeta a los demas usuarios. Cualquier consulta, puedes dirigirte al admin enviando /msg MemoServ nobody. Disfruta la estancia y gracias !!
network: 2600net
Chat Room - 2 users -
121 minutes ago -
current topic: Emacs 29.4 [] |
Hacking with Emacs | Emacs Lisp
category: Emacs -
network: 2600net
Chat Room - 7 users -
120 minutes ago -
current topic: This channel is to get skids the operational skills needed to help on Ops. || For IRC and basic OpSec help, go to #OpNewBlood. For more advanced OpSec help go to #OpSec. || For more advanced help with
hacking, go to #hackers or #learninghub. ||
network: AnonOps
Chat Room - 11 users -
120 minutes ago -
current topic: NETWORK CONNECTION HELP ONLY. | We will NOT help you with your client,
hacking, tools, browser, proxy, vpn, drama, ops or channel bans, etc. | Tor: anonops4att3rwh3tsh2fhb3suwq6g575r6k36fsrc2ijkj75vcxhhyd.onion | Complaints? | TOR Access: | Send private stuff only in PM and only to staff with channel access ([h]op)
network: AnonOps
Chat Room - 5 users -
120 minutes ago -
current topic: Everything whitehat about Android (App development, Settings, Problem fixing, Tips and Tricks, Tasker/Watch scripts etc) NO
HACKING, NO ROOTING, NO JAILBREAKING, NO PIRACY Download Android Studio here and start developing instantly --> <-- RECOMMENDED Android IRC Client: (RevIRC is abandoned)
category: Google Android -
network: AnonOps