Graffiti Chat Rooms

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Search for Graffiti chat rooms returned a total of 3 matching results.  Displaying 1-3...

#graffiti IRCnet

Chat Room - 18 users - 132 minutes ago - current topic: Graffiti Goes East
category: Graffiti - network: IRCnet

#c++-social Libera.Chat

Chat Room - 85 users - 135 minutes ago - current topic: Passing week by week through the machine death we regularly awoke with morning sickness, no longer a cheap joke at women, we were sick, green was one thing, the viridian technicolour of our bodily fluids was another. Stopping to rest one day we found a clumsy graffiti- turn up ya fucking gain ffs ya poofy hair spoofs.
category: C - network: Libera.Chat

#graffiti PTirc

Chat Room - 4 users - 119 minutes ago - No topic
category: Graffiti - network: PTirc

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