Search for gnu india chat rooms returned a total of 181 matching results. Displaying 41-50...
Chat Room - 15 users -
74 minutes ago -
current topic: Welcome to http:// ð - Enjoy your chat here but please be respectful to other chatters! Please do NOT; ⛔ Spam, flood, advertise or engage in other inappropriate anti-social behaviour in the room as this is unacceptable and can get you kicked off/banned.
category: India -
network: HybridIRC
Chat Room - 11 users -
83 minutes ago -
current topic: Welcome to #mIRChelp the main channel of #sweden #
india #europe #malaysia #singapore #china #bnc For the latest mIRC visit | For Access ? Ask in the main channel and Do NOT PM. Thank you for visiting.
category: mIRC -
network: freenode