Search for gnu india chat rooms returned a total of 181 matching results. Displaying 11-20...
Chat Room - 10 users -
117 minutes ago -
current topic: LibreJS: https://www. | Why do we need LibreJS: https://www. | How to prepare your website for LibreJS: https://www.
category: GNU -
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 3 users -
103 minutes ago -
current topic: Freeing people from the tyranny of proprietary technologies since 1983; hike along with us on path of the Free. <https://www.> Use a correct term "Free" or "libre"; keep in mind that "open" neither imply freedom nor users' rights.
category: GNU -
network: NewNet
Chat Room - 2 users -
99 minutes ago -
current topic: Reddit
India | No racism, trolling, or being a tit | Remember: 55% of
India don't speak Hindi | 100% of
India speak Java tho
category: India -
network: Snoonet