Search for Game chat rooms returned a total of 530 matching results. Displaying 31-40...
Chat Room - 5 users -
113 minutes ago -
current topic: For information regarding the Monster Mash Pathfinder
game, type !MonsterMash . For information about the Legend of Zelda custom system
game, type !LoZTRI . The official Guild HQ notice board: Paper Smash Brothers when?
category: Monsters -
network: SorceryNet
Chat Room - 23 users -
132 minutes ago -
current topic: Welcome to #Bible-Trivia-Quiz / Care to test your skills at biblical trivia? Type !trivia3 to start and stop a
game, type #3help for other trivia
games and categeories. Please do not start a new
game if another one is already running. Our Website:
category: Bible Computer Games Quiz -
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 9 users -
113 minutes ago -
current topic: Welcome to #Bible-Trivia-Quiz / Care to test your skills at biblical trivia? Type !trivia9 to start and stop a
game, type #9help for other trivia
games and categeories. Please do not start a new
game if another one is already running. /
category: Bible Computer Games Quiz -
network: SwiftIRC
Chat Room - 28 users -
127 minutes ago -
current topic: Welcome to DarkMyst's general chat channel! | For help, please join #help | For IRC role-playing chat and assistance in finding a
game, please join #rpg-hub | DarkMyst is accepting server applications, please visit | Check all the latest news at
network: DarkMyst
Chat Room - 5 users -
120 minutes ago -
current topic: Welc0me int0 the w0rd
game r00m #word
game .Turkish & English & Spanish and French version! Commands: !wordtop10 & !points nick - Please do NOT use caps. - 1.Lae 15601770 2.beni 3690200 3.Christopher_35 2100390 4.Farmgirl1 1220880 5.annie1945 1056820 - 2025 new beginning :) Good luck all.
category: Games -
network: LibraIRC
Chat Room - 8 users -
132 minutes ago -
current topic: Official UNOBot channel | Use .uno to start an UNO-
Game | Use .botjoin to play against UNOFight | Instructions can be found here: | Invite UNOBot with /invite UNOBot #channel | Join #unoplayer to play against a bot | Old UNOScores: (as of 1.1.2018)
category: Uno -
network: Rizon
Chat Room - 6 users -
111 minutes ago -
current topic: | Yes, it really is an online
game. Shock. Horror. | <Dave2> before defcon was released, airpwn was on the first page of results for defcon on google | "XD" and "D:" are hereby banned by order of the management | HOLY SHIT YA^WLOOOONIX BETA | THIS TOPIC SET AT LEET O CLOCK ON
category: DEF CON -
network: UplinkIRC
Chat Room - 14 users -
127 minutes ago -
current topic: Welcome to the OOC channel for #Imarel - If you're in here, you are also RPing or planning to. Ask questions if you need help or use !help | Website: |Events:Sumthin - 12/14 - Afternoonish |
Game Update:Luisellia Travel Guide | News, Weather Update!: TBD
network: DarkMyst
Chat Room - 12 users -
132 minutes ago -
current topic: TM sedang melaksanakan CGNAT (private IP) kepada semua IP pengguna Unifi & Streamyx di seluruh Malaysia yang memberi kesan pada network port ditutup dan latency kepada pengguna
Game Online / Remote User (Bantahan/aduan perlu dibuat kepada 100) | | Syabas pada MYREN kerana menyumbang
category: Linux -
network: DALnet