Search for forth hardware chat rooms returned a total of 94 matching results. Displaying 1-10...
Chat Room - 6 users -
130 minutes ago -
current topic: Homepage: | This channel is for small embedded (STM32 or MSP430, PIC etc)
Forth hardware projects ONLY | Checkout | If you're new here, please check in with tp
category: Forth Hardware -
network: hackint
Chat Room - 2 users -
139 minutes ago -
current topic: [Relay: irc-nerds] Welcome to #
hardware, a bridged/relay chat for people looking to chat about
hardware, or looking for customizations. Main channel is #nerds
category: Hardware -
network: Rizon
Chat Room - 93 users -
139 minutes ago -
current topic: Forth Programming | do drop >in | If you have two (or more) stacks and speak RPN then you're welcome here! | http:// for more information, related channels, public logs of the channel, and notes on the bots. We tolerate off-topic conversation, but please keep discussions civil. Trolling or personal attacks will result in mutes or bans.
category: Forth -
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 718 users -
139 minutes ago -
current topic: For all your computer
hardware & adjacent questions. | Be respectful, no religion, politics, cryptocurrency talk, unfair discrimination, etc. | Rules & Resources @ https:// | Admin problems? #
hardware-ops | Offtopic? #
category: Hardware -
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 14 users -
139 minutes ago -
current topic: Administrative channel for #
hardware. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to raise them up. Once your matter has been dealt with, you're kindly requested to leave the channel. Thanks!
category: Hardware -
network: Libera.Chat