Chat Rooms

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 Related queries:  sweden (21)   uno (191)   moldova (6)   finland (8)   eu (5)  

Search for europe uno chat rooms returned a total of 234 matching results.  Displaying 31-40...


Chat Room - 3 users - 43 minutes ago - current topic: Welcome to UNO game!! to start a game anyone can join type !uno, to join a game type jo, to play cards: pl and then color number example PL Y7 ( Yellow 7) more commands !unocmds
category: Uno - network:

#UNO! MindForge

Chat Room - 3 users - 42 minutes ago - current topic:  UNO! moved to #cuba - join there if you want to play (^_^;;
category: Uno - network: MindForge

#uno MyCooldude

Chat Room - 4 users - 42 minutes ago - current topic: [+CHPTnt 10:30s] Welcome to the MyCooldude UNO! Game room, to start a game, type " !uno ", type " Jo " to join a game, type " !remove " to remove yourself from the game, type " !stop " to stop the game, and finally type " !unocmds " for list of more commands. The bot's nick is " Uno " (NOTE: bug cooldude if the bot looks like it is not online)
category: Uno - network: MyCooldude

#uno NationCHAT

Chat Room - 6 users - 42 minutes ago - current topic: !uno to start game
category: Uno - network: NationCHAT

#uno ForumCerdas

Chat Room - 21 users - 48 minutes ago - current topic: Welcome to #UnO (Type .uno for start)
category: Uno - network: ForumCerdas

#Uno Morphie

Chat Room - 2 users - 42 minutes ago - current topic: Welcome to the UNO Game Room! Type !unocmds first. MORE CHAT BASED GAMES --> #KAOS | #Trivia
category: Uno - network: Morphie

#Uno RadioClick

Chat Room - 14 users - current topic: Pentru a porni jocul tasteaza !uno si pentru a partecipa tasteaza jo Pentru comenzi: !unocmds Card Commands: jo=join pl=play dr=draw pa=pass co=color
category: Uno - network: RadioClick

#Uno Noxether

Chat Room - 3 users - 42 minutes ago - current topic: Uno ~ !joinuno pour lancer ou rejoindre une partie ! ~ 2 à 10 joueurs
category: Uno - network: Noxether

#Uno RomaniaChat

Chat Room - 27 users - 39 minutes ago - current topic: Pentru a porni jocul tasteaza !uno si pentru a partecipa tasteaza jo Pentru comenzi: !unocmds Card Commands: jo=join pl=play dr=draw pa=pass co=color
category: Uno - network: RomaniaChat

#uno SkyChatz

Chat Room - 8 users - 38 minutes ago - current topic: Welcome to #UNO You Never Really Know Someone Until You Play UNO With Them And They Hits You With A WILD Draw Four !
category: Uno - network: SkyChatz
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