Search for English chat rooms returned a total of 330 matching results. Displaying 31-40...
Chat Room - 7 users -
56 minutes ago -
current topic: Welcome to ##british - a channel for practising and speaking
English! || bot commands: -d (word definition) -w (wikipedia), -ud (urbandictionary), fr->to (translation from FR to TO) || Phrases, sayings, idioms and expressions at ||
category: England -
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 3 users -
56 minutes ago -
current topic: Welcome to the MangaFox Channel | Try to keep the channel PG 133! |
English Please~ | Avoid excessive spam! | All Mangafox Rules apply, and anyone with hop or higher can enforce rules till someone higher up decides what to do | No using other member's nicks | CL died here! That is all. <= I am alive thank you very much|
network: Rizon
Chat Room - 57 users -
56 minutes ago -
current topic: Welcome to | No warranty expressed or implied | TRUMP WON !!!! | | RIP Peanut and Fred | You are the media now | Never forget: https:// |
category: Political Science -
network: Rizon
Chat Room - 5 users -
44 minutes ago -
current topic: Welc0me int0 the w0rd game r00m #wordgame .Turkish &
English & Spanish and French version! Commands: !wordtop10 & !points nick - Please do NOT use caps. - DeWdRoPs 28,651,320 - anabells 20,541,680 - beni 15,713,670 - mandy 13,704,550 - annie1945 8,821,000 - 2021 new beginning :) Good luck all.
category: Games -
network: LibraIRC