Search for emacs poland chat rooms returned a total of 61 matching results. Displaying 1-10...
Chat Room - 778 users -
124 minutes ago -
current topic: Emacs questions take priority over chit-chat | All questions/levels welcome | Quieter chat in #
emacs-beginners | "daily" insights in #
emacs-til | More chit-chat: #
emacs-social | Favored pastebin:
emacs-lisp | No public logging, racism, sexism, xenophobia, botwanking, or other asshattery
category: Emacs -
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 61 users -
124 minutes ago -
current topic: See https://
EmacsBeginnersChannel for tips, code of conduct | Go ahead and ask your
Emacs question. People will reply if they can. It might take a while, so please be patient. | Treat people with respect. No sexism, racism, homophobia, or discrimination of any kind. | http://
category: Emacs -
network: Libera.Chat