Chat Rooms

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 Related queries:  barcelona (10)   gay (72)   tarragona (1)   lesbian (16)  

Search for barcelona gay chat rooms returned a total of 82 matching results.  Displaying 1-10...

#gay Undernet

Chat Room - 3 users - 49 minutes ago - current topic: Welcome to IRC Undernet #Gay - All are welcome, all ages, all genders, all orientations.
category: Gay - network: Undernet

#Gay Chatzona

Chat Room - 315 users - 45 minutes ago - current topic: NO PERMITIDO en #Gay. Búsqueda de MENORES DE EDAD,como la entrada de ELLOSEmails,Webs,Teléfonos, el uso excesivo de Mayúsculas, así como repetir el mismo texto excesivamente
category: Gay - network: Chatzona

#Barcelona Chatzona

Chat Room - 62 users - 45 minutes ago - current topic:  _______ Benvinguts/bienvenid@s a #barcelona! No majúscules, repetir, drogues, sexe, ni transaccions. No mayúsculas, repetir, drogas, sexo, ni pagos/cobros. Idiomes/as: Català/castellano. Respétense/respecteu-vos. Gràcies/as. :) _______
category: Barcelona - network: Chatzona


Chat Room - 3 users - 45 minutes ago - current topic: ######## Chat GAY // Chat gay et bi gratuit & sans inscription - Salle entre mecs LGBT########
category: Gay - network:

#gay&lesb EuropNet

Chat Room - 37 users - 42 minutes ago - current topic:  [Rencontre] Bienvenue sur le salon Gay & Lesb, discussions, rencontres entre Gay & Lesbienne ! Retrouvez nous sur !
category: Gay - network: EuropNet IRCLink

Chat Room - 1 users - 39 minutes ago - current topic: Velkommen til - kanalen for alle skeive på IRCLink
category: Gay - network: IRCLink


Chat Room - 45 users - current topic: »»-(¯`v´¯)--» GAY CHAT »»-(¯`v´¯)--» ACCESSO DIRETTO:
category: Gay - network:

#gay PTnet

Chat Room - 34 users - 33 minutes ago - current topic: :: Bem-vindos ao #Gay @ PTnet :: ::
category: Gay - network: PTnet

#gay Snoonet

Chat Room - 3 users - 31 minutes ago - current topic: Welcome to #gay. Feel free to idle or start a conversation! speak to an op if you have any issues with other users in the channel
category: Gay - network: Snoonet

#guifilab-barcelona freenode

Chat Room - 1 users - 49 minutes ago - No topic
category: Barcelona - network: freenode
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