Die Suche nach wiktionary poland Chaträumen lieferte insgesamt 23 Treffer. Die Ergebnisse 11-20 werden angezeigt.
Chatraum - 1 Benutzer -
vor 36 Minuten -
aktuelles Topic: Kurwa is highly specialized technical term, covering full range of work aspects | Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate | I gladly wish everybody else a merry Christmas, if a merry Christmas is what they insist upon. I'm not that particular, though i'll settle for a relaxed Christmas.
Kategorie: Polen -
Netz: MindForge
Chatraum - 6 Benutzer -
vor 49 Minuten -
aktuelles Topic: Canale antivandalismo it-Wikimedia wiki | help, voice, info or staff: #countervandalism | Vedi anche: #wikipedia-it-vandalism | <https://it.wikibooks.org> <https://it.wikinews.org> <https://it.wikiquote.org> <https://it.wikisource.org> <https://it.wikiversity.org> <https://it.
wiktionary.org> <https://scn.wikipedia.org> <https://scn.
Netz: Libera.Chat