Die Suche nach wikimedia venezuela Chaträumen lieferte insgesamt 264 Treffer. Die Ergebnisse 1-10 werden angezeigt.
Chatraum - 72 Benutzer -
vor 36 Minuten -
aktuelles Topic: Wikimedia Analytics Team public chat - Type 'a-team' to ping the team members - Channel logs available at https://wm-bot.wmflabs.org/libera_logs/%23
wikimedia-analytics - - Kanban https://phabricator.
Kategorie: Wikimedia Analytics -
Netz: Libera.Chat
Chatraum - 21 Benutzer -
vor 36 Minuten -
aktuelles Topic: Global ban system works now. Direct all queries to #
wikimedia-ops - To add your channel to this global bans umbrella, contact an opped user for information and so we can keep track of which channels we are impacting. | View Bans: /mode #
wikimedia-bans +b
Kategorie: Wikimedia -
Netz: Libera.Chat
Chatraum - 183 Benutzer -
vor 36 Minuten -
aktuelles Topic: Wikimedia Cloud Services (wikitech.
wikimedia.org) | Status: ok | Ask questions here, but please provide links and context. Use "!help" if nobody responds. | More details and channel logs at https://wikitech.
wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:IRC | Code of Conduct applies: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/CoC
Kategorie: Wikimedia -
Netz: Libera.Chat
Chatraum - 33 Benutzer -
vor 36 Minuten -
aktuelles Topic: ð¤ð¬ | Feed of information from bots about Bugs, Commits, Test runs, etc. from Github, Gerrit, GitLab, Phabricator, and Travis related to
Wikimedia Cloud projects. | Channel is logged at https://wm-bot.wmcloud.org/logs/%23
wikimedia-cloud-feed | See #
wikimedia-cloud for discussion with humans.
Kategorie: Wikimedia -
Netz: Libera.Chat
Chatraum - 91 Benutzer -
vor 36 Minuten -
aktuelles Topic: Wikimedia Commons: https://commons.
wikimedia.org | Status: UP | https://twitter.com/wikicommons | No public logging | For EMERGENCY admin help, say "!admin@commons + your request" | CONFIDENTIAL admin help: #
wikimedia-commons-admin | Vandalism: #cvn-commons | Commons-l: https://w.wiki/8pbx
Kategorie: Wikimedia Mons -
Netz: Libera.Chat