C++ Chaträume

Suche Chaträume im Internet Relay Chat und informiere dich über ihre Benutzer und Themen! – Im IRC werden Chaträume üblicherweise Kanäle (engl. Channels) genannt. Suche in den Namen und aktuellen Themen der Kanäle von ungefähr 500 IRC-Netzen nach Chaträumen, deren Themen dich interessieren, und finde Leute, die deine Interessen teilen!

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Die Suche nach C++ Chaträumen lieferte insgesamt 32 Treffer.  Die Ergebnisse 1-10 werden angezeigt.

#c++ Rizon

Chatraum - 33 Benutzer - vor 37 Minuten - aktuelles Topic: The place for C++ | Rule: Got Code? Paste -> http://codepad.org/?lang=C%2B%2B | Maxima omnium virtutum est Patientia | Don't ask to ask, just ask. | There's also #C and #python | If you ask and there's nobody around, it may take some time to get a reply. | C++ Compilers: http://bit.ly/1fbv20s | Book: http://www.stroustrup.com/4th.html | Walnut's Downfall: https://i.imgur.com/qDOhwvp.png
Kategorie: C++ - Netz: Rizon

#c++-basic Libera.Chat

Chatraum - 104 Benutzer - vor 37 Minuten - aktuelles Topic: We welcome C++ questions. Few C++ questions are too stupid or too noobish. The only way to learn is to ask (just ask and stick around for someone to answer). | C questions: #c or #c-basic; other C++: #c++-general | Post your test case to gcc.godbolt.org, ideone.com or coliru.stacked-crooked.com | See also https://isocpp.org/get-started http://en.cppreference.com/
Kategorie: C Basic - Netz: Libera.Chat

#c++ OFTC

Chatraum - 4 Benutzer - vor 37 Minuten - aktuelles Topic: Have a question? Ask it and be PATIENT. Someone WILL get to your question, but you have to stick around for the answer! It may take hours but some of us have to get off work first. Otherwise see http://bit.ly/zn4Se3 http://www.parashift.com/c++-faq-lite/ http://www.rafb.net/efnet_cpp/faq/ http://jcatki.no-ip.org/c++
Kategorie: C++ - Netz: OFTC

#c++ AnonOps

Chatraum - 3 Benutzer - vor 36 Minuten - aktuelles Topic: This is a room dedicated to c++! If you have questions or want to learn c++ this is the right place! People that want to hangout and talk are also welcome! Don't paste code, use https://bpaste.net or similar! || https://wandbox.org/ || https://isocpp.org/std/the-standard || we <3 maxmuster
Kategorie: C++ - Netz: AnonOps

#C++ Libera.Chat

Chatraum - 562 Benutzer - vor 37 Minuten - aktuelles Topic: Standard C++ specifications and code. || Current standard: ISO/IEC 14882:2024 (a.k.a. C++24) || https://isocpp.org/faq || pastes: https://godbolt.org || stats/logs: https://i.pjj.cc/lb || other channels: #c++-general #c++-basic #c++-social #geordi
Kategorie: C++ - Netz: Libera.Chat

#C++-general Libera.Chat

Chatraum - 314 Benutzer - vor 37 Minuten - aktuelles Topic: C++ algorithms, libraries, practices, projects, tools. || pastes: https://godbolt.org || stats/logs: https://i.pjj.cc/lb || channels: #c++ #c++-basic #c++-social #geordi
Kategorie: C++ - Netz: Libera.Chat

#c++ IRC-Hispano

Chatraum - 5 Benutzer - aktuelles Topic: If you understand int and vector, you understand C++, the rest is 1400 pages of details. (Stroustrup) | https://alexgaynor.net/2019/apr/21/modern-c++-wont-save-us/
Kategorie: C++ - Netz: IRC-Hispano

#C++ GameSurge

Chatraum - 4 Benutzer - vor 30 Minuten - aktuelles Topic: General C++ Chat :: No PMing helpers without prior permission. :: STL Help: http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/table_of_contents.html :: Paste code here: http://www.pastebin.net
Kategorie: C++ - Netz: GameSurge

#C++ AIN

Chatraum - 59 Benutzer - vor 37 Minuten - aktuelles Topic: Standard C++ specifications and code. || Current standard: ISO/IEC 14882:2023 (a.k.a. C++23) || https://isocpp.org/faq || pastes: https://godbolt.org
Kategorie: C++ - Netz: AIN

#C++ IRCLuxe.RU

Chatraum - 4 Benutzer - vor 27 Minuten - aktuelles Topic: Курсы для начинающих https://metanit.com/cpp/tutorial/ | C++ 23 // Roadmap по C++ https://salmer.github.io/CppDeveloperRoadmap/Russian/
Kategorie: C++ - Netz: IRCLuxe.RU
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