Die Suche nach battle for wesnoth germany Chaträumen lieferte insgesamt 4356 Treffer. Die Ergebnisse 11-20 werden angezeigt.
Chatraum - 33 Benutzer -
vor 103 Minuten -
aktuelles Topic: Wesnoth User Channel | https://www.
wesnoth.org | https://status.
wesnoth.org | Discord: https://discord.gg/
battleforwesnoth (channel bridged to #general) | >> Want to help? Go here: https://r.
wesnoth.org/t42911 (and thanks!) << | Public IRC Logs: https://irclogs.
Kategorie: Battle For Wesnoth -
Netz: Libera.Chat
Chatraum - 23 Benutzer -
vor 103 Minuten -
aktuelles Topic: Wesnoth Developers Channel | https://wiki.
wesnoth.org/1.19_Roadmap | Discord: https://discord.gg/
battleforwesnoth (channel bridged to #development) | Public IRC Logs: https://irclogs.
Kategorie: Battle For Wesnoth Entwicklung -
Netz: Libera.Chat
Chatraum - 5 Benutzer -
vor 103 Minuten -
aktuelles Topic: Wesnoth Repository Notifications Channel (Unused) - Notifications moved to #
wesnoth-dev | GitHub: https://github.com/
wesnoth | Public IRC Logs: https://irclogs.
Kategorie: Battle For Wesnoth -
Netz: Libera.Chat