Die Suche nach aptosid development Chaträumen lieferte insgesamt 402 Treffer. Die Ergebnisse 41-50 werden angezeigt.
Chatraum - 2 Benutzer -
vor 72 Minuten -
aktuelles Topic: A channel dedicated to game
development | Subjects: Storylines, Pixel Art (Sprites & Backgrounds), Audio (Chiptunes, SFX, BGM, etc), Programming (Asm, C, C++, C#, etc.) | Engines: Unity, GameMaker Studio, Godot, etc.
Kategorie: Spiele Entwicklung -
Netz: Rizon
Chatraum - 2 Benutzer -
vor 72 Minuten -
aktuelles Topic: Function Office | Web Site: https://functionoffice.org | Discord: https://discord.gg/yMhkvsGxTe | The not for profit organisation that raises awareness and promotes the
development of free/open source software by offering free support and services to those who wish to use such methods.
Kategorie: Office Fun -
Netz: OFTC
Chatraum - 1 Benutzer -
vor 72 Minuten -
aktuelles Topic: Topic for #gcw-dev is: GCW Zero
Development Channel - Toolchain: http://www.gcw-zero.com/files/opendingux-gcw0-toolchain.2014-08-20.tar.bz2 - Software list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ai2dUxF29tQcdFkzY3hmY3N5d3JUSWlMWG5DWnhubGc - Public
Development Channel: #opendingux
Kategorie: Entwicklung -
Netz: OFTC